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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bella's puppies have such unique coloring!

Every day their distinctive colors develop more fully. Blue boy is dark chocolate, Pink girl, Red boy and Yellow boy are chocolate sable, Purple girl is black sable and White girl and Green boy are black.
The chocolate sables will lighten over time to cafe cream with possible chocolate tips. The black sable will lighten to silver gray with possible black tips. Right now the sable coats have a marbled appearance. Several puppies have lovely white accent patches. I'm excited to see how they continue to change.

The way Yellow boy's color around his eyes is changing, it looks like he is wearing a mask--should we call him Bandit, or Zoro, or Mister Incredible or Rocky Racoon or ?

We already have been calling little white girl "Little Sox" for her four white feet. She was the first to walk and the first to get teeth. She has almost reached two pounds and is slowly catching up to the rest of the litter--pretty good progress for a puppy that only weighed 4.1 ounces five weeks ago!

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